MOD is a Hindi feature film which released on 14th September, 2011. This film is known for Nagesh Kukunoor, who has earlier directed some well known films like HYDERABAD BLUES, IQBAL, DOR etc. Though, none of them were as successful as any other Hindi successful films. Yet HYDERABAD BLUES was a highly appreciated film. This film has been produced by Sujit Kumar Singh, Elahe Hiptoola and Nagesh Kukunoor.
Story : The story revolves around Annanya (Ayesha Takia) and Andy (Rannvijay Singh). Annanya runs a watch repair shop and is the daughter of Ashok (Raghuvir Yadav). One day a man Andy comes to her shop for a watch repair. He introduces himself as Andy and gets his watch repaired from her shop. But he appears to be a mysterious person because he visits her shop regularly finding some excuses. His regular visits make both of them fall in love with each other. One day Andy tells her that he was none other than one of her old class mates.
Everything seems to be going well till Annanya meets her school security guard one day. She comes to know from the security guard that her former class mate Andy had died many years back by meeting an accident. On this revelation, Annanya gets shocked. She doesn’t understand if Andy was dead, who was this man pretending to be Andy and above all WHY?
This is the suspense of the film which is disclosed in the later part of the film.
Script : Except the plot, everything is dull and boring. The screenplay is slow and in old style. Except the suspense element, nothing else is convincing.
Music : Music composed by Tapas Relia is not good.
Direction : Nagesh Kukunnor makes different types of films. His taste is different so he might have chosen this subject to make this film. It has suspense element but its neither a suspense film nor a ghost or horror film. So it fails to impress and entertain you. It is almost unbearable to tolerate its first half.
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